
Benefits of Recycling Programs in Stadiums and Other Venues

By providing convenient recycling opportunities to visitors both inside and outside, stadiums and other venues can reduce disposal costs and demonstrate their environmental commitment in a cost-effective and high-profile way.


Click here to see how Recycle Away helped the Atlanta Falcons create a recycling systems for their stadium, the Georgia Dome.

Tips for Establishing Recycling Programs in Stadiums and Other Venues

  • Plastic and aluminum beverage containers are the most common recyclables generated by fans and visitors, and these materials may be collected either separately or mixed together.
  • Recycling bins and containers should always be located next to trash cans, if possible, to maximize the opportunity and convenience of recycling and to reduce contamination by trash.
  • Recycling containers and bins should be placed in the following areas throughout your venue: Within and adjacent to all concessionaires; parking lots and tailgating areas; top and bottom of bleachers; hallways and lobbies, restrooms, and other public areas where trash cans are sited.
  • Remember that tailgaters generate large amounts of waste and even larger amounts of bottles and cans. Target these areas to collect tailgaters and fans recyclables. Place recycling bins next to each trash can in the parking lot and at stadium entrances and exits.
  • Instruct janitorial staff to conduct two separate picks after the game or even tone for recyclables and one for trash.
  • Ask janitorial staff to conduct a simultaneous trash and recyclable pick after the game with two separate collection bags for trash and recyclables.
  • Enlist volunteers to collect the recyclable materials after a game or event.
  • Educate fans and visitors about what materials are recyclable and where the bins are located.
  • Advertise the location of recycling bins and the importance of using them through printed programs, over the loudspeaker, and on the big screen.