Benefits of Recycling Programs in Parks and Recreation Areas
- Reduce your waste disposal costs
- Generate revenue
- Provide convenient recycling opportunities to park visitors

Establishing Recycling Programs in Parks and Recreation Areas
Beverage containers are the primary type of recyclable generated in parks. In most parks and recreation settings, plastic, glass and aluminum cans are collected in a single waste-stream (mixed in the same containers).
- Site bins to ensure ease of access, both for visitors and the park staff, volunteers, or contractors tasked with collecting the materials.
- Make recycling convenient. Place bins near picnic grounds, concession areas, campsites, and parking areas.
- Cluster recycling bins with trash cans. Its important that recycling bins be placed next to each trash can.
- In large parks, such as national or state parks that are spread out and occupy many acres of land, place recycling bins in centralized locations, such as near concessionaires, at visitor centers, and near the entrances to trails or exhibits.
- In small parks, such as those in urban areas, intersperse recycling bins throughout the entire park, typically adjacent to trash cans.
How to Educate Your Vistors
Education is a crucial tool for motivating your visitors and staff to recycle. Below are a few tried-and-true methods to help make recycling successful in parks:
- Coordinate recycling efforts with park managers and staff their acceptance and support of the program are essential for success.
- Advertise the location of recycling bins in brochures and signs.
- Use clear and consistent signage.
- Provide educational brochures about the parks recycling program.
- Require recycling permits for camping, renting pavilions, and other such activities.
- Take advantage of every opportunity to convey information about recycling.
- For parks with controlled access, provide recycling information at the gate or entrance booth, or provide bags for visitors to use for their recyclables.