
How to Transform Your Sustainability Practices by Recycling in Hotels

With the even increasing sustainability awareness and the vital need for cost savings in the hospitality industry, the use of hotel recycling bins have become a necessity. In terms of resource and waste management, the hospitality industry has an enormous global climate footprint. 

The Need For Recycling in Hotels

In terms of potential scale, recycling has a truly staggering potential. The hotel industry is, after all, one of the most highly trafficked sectors of the global economy. It is estimated that hotels generate nearly 300,000 tons of waste annually as a result of the use of plastic water bottles, food waste, and paper products.

Our solutions for recycling in hotels are easy to use, with odor and bacteria control built right in. In addition, their touchless designs make them the ideal sanitary solution for public and private areas – whether in the lobby, by the spa, or in the gym. 

However, when tasked with addressing hotel waste, you've probably already seen that "regular" trash receptacles aren't up to the job. One answer, of course, is that you’re facing a monumental challenge with the high-traffic realities of hotels. 

We’ve also got the solutions that will best meet your need for recycling in hotels. The sleek, versatile designs and air filtration models support sanitation and odor control while hiding the remnants from view. Beyond ADA and OSHA compliance, these waste stations can offer lifestyle-enhancing options. 

Where Can You Use Recycling Bins?

There is an easy answer to this question: anywhere and everywhere. Recycling is one of the best solutions for a large number of use-case scenarios in hotels. In addition to the obvious uses both indoors and outdoors, they are ideal for lawn areas, conference rooms, dining areas, and other public areas that are likely to receive a lot of traffic and are especially used during events.

What Should You Look When Addressing Recycling in Hotels?

You may not have considered what you need if you've never purchased a waste trash can. Here's what you need to consider when choosing the best trash can for waste and recycling in hotels.

  • Comprehensive Waste Audit: Conduct a waste audit to understand your volume and type. Once you clearly understand the type of waste and recycling in hotels, you can identify the scope and requirements. 

  • Recycling Infrastructure: Place bins and signage throughout the hotel for different recyclable materials (glass, metal, paper, and plastic).  

  • Staff Training: Train your staff on recycling practices. Encourage staff participation with green teams and environmental initiatives.

  • Guest Information: Share details about your recycling programs with your guests. Consider offering discounts or loyalty points to encourage recycling participation. 

  • Data Reporting: Gather data and report on the amount and types of recyclable materials. As you track your progress, identify areas for improvement. You can also use the reporting to demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility. 

  • Compliance: Obtain environmental certificates to recognize your recycling efforts. Ensure you’re complying with local regulations.

Your efforts to implement recycling in hotels are essential to your sustainability efforts. It can also enhance your hotel's reputation, which is a draw for eco-conscious guests looking for green hotel options. 

Examples of Solutions for Recycling in Hotels

With so many options, we've compiled a quick list of products to spark your interest. These products represent options and functionality perfect for public areas, lounge/dining areas, lawns, gyms, hallways, meeting rooms, and other recreational spaces.

Why Choose the Recycle Away?

At Recycle Away, we're dedicated to offering the best options for recycling in hotels. Our team of professionals helps you determine the waste management system that will work best for you. Our popular products are multi-faceted solutions to start your hotel recycling station, ensure public safety, and support sanitation compliance protocols.