Top 10 Recycling Resolutions for 2017

Top 10 Recycling Resolutions for 2017

You'd be surprised how many offices, business parks and other establishments put their recycling bins outside, where not many people think to look for them. Instead, use clearly marked recycling stations inside.
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Sustainable Solutions in Packaging ... Not Just for the Holidays!

As the green revolution exits its infancy, we are seeing more and more options for sustainable reuse and recycling. While we’re obviously huge fans of recycling, we also love the idea of reducing the need for it in the first place by reusing products before they have to take a trip to the recycling center.

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Silicon Valley Sustainability

When it comes to environmental sustainability, Silicon Valley is proving once again that it leads the way in innovations. Startups are hiring Sustainability Managers, winning awards for their forward thinking, and showing the rest of the country how it’s done.

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Defining – and Designing – Trash Out of Existence at Yankee Stadium

Defining – and Designing – Trash Out of Existence at Yankee Stadium

There's no more trash at Yankee Stadium unless you count the trash talk when the Boston Red Sox are in town. Even the word “Trash” has disappeared. How is this possible? Fans leave behind an estimated 16 million cubic feet of refuse at stadiums every year, enough to fill Yankee Stadium with 2 million cubic feet leftover.
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A Recycling Law That Feeds People? How Does That Work?

Actually, it shouldn't be surprising, especially if you read Act 148, the universal recycling law passed unanimously the state of Vermont in 2012. How It Works Act 148 ratchets up a requirement for generators of food "waste" to start composting, starting in 2014 with institutions that generate 104 tons a year.
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How Green is Your Campus - Do Students Care?

Soon a new class of students will be on their way to college campuses around the nation. They'll come with their drink cups and water bottles and deli containers and a heightened awareness of climate change issues. Will they be satisfied with the quality of life they find on campus?

Not if there isn't a recycling bin handy when they sip the last sip, or the latest LED lighting isn't installed in their desk lamps, a recent survey suggests. In fact, 61% of them might feel disappointed enough to go elsewhere.

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Recycle Away and Carton Council of North America Donate Recycling Containers to Increase Milk and Juice Carton Recycling in New York City Schools

Milk and juice cartons have a simple, classic design that has been part of daily life for generations. To prevent them from ending up in landfills, Recycle Away is partnering with the Carton Council of North America to donate recycling containers to New York City Schools.

More than 600 specially designed milk and juice carton recycling containers are being provided to the New York City Department of Education (DOE) for distribution to multiple schools throughout the five boroughs. The purpose of this donation is to help expand the schools' recycling efforts, making it easier for students and faculty to recycle and bringing greater awareness to the importance of recycling.

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Happy Earth Day!

Today, April 22nd, marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day! Do you remember what you were doing when Earth Day began in 1970? Earth Day in 1970 "capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center", stated Earth Fast forward 45 years and what you have today, is a global movement recognizing the importance of Mother Nature, the fight for a clean environment and showing respect for the conservation of our planet. Earth Day is a wonderful time to celebrate our beloved planet and raise awareness of the need to respect, protect and love it. Not only is it celebrated in the United States, it's now become one of the most nationally recognized events in the world.

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